Project 16- Part 2- 5 Emulated Photos (or Imitated Photos)
Project 16- Part 2- 5 Emulated Photos (or Imitated Photos)
For Part 2 of the Photographer’s Research, you will need to choose 5 mages by the Photographer
you can recreate. This is the purpose of the Project. Click HERE for the document.
You need to post the 5 images by your Photographer, their title and their source or link.
Alongside or underneath the image by your Photographer you will post the 5 EMULATED or
Imitated Images you created and edited.
1. Compare and Contrast: You will need to compare and contrast your final 5 images with the 5 images
you choose by your photographer. Write about each of the 5 sets of images
(3 sentences minimum each). What is the same? What is the difference?
What was a challenge or triumph?
2. Personal Artist Statement: This is a culmination or summative statement of what you learned or
how this experience made you grow as a photographer. Your images should tell a story, your writing
should inform us (5 sentences or more).
Artist Statement
This photo was probably the hardest to take because of
the angle and light. Even though my photo was taken in portrait orientation
rather than landscape, I felt that this angle was closest to the original. I
tried to get the camera as close to the water to try to create the same
perspective. However, getting the picture from the same perspective with
similar light was something I wasn't able to do. In Photoshop, I edited this
image and made it black and white to make it a little more similar to the
For this picture, I focused on getting the main aspects
of it rather than the details. I didn't have a plain blue background so I used
a blue paper even though it had some designs on it. After seeing how the photo
turned out with my paper background, I actually liked that it was the same idea
but they each have a different style. I edited the image in Photoshop and I
created a low opacity vignette to emphasize the cone, like in the original. I
really liked taking this photo because I was able to incorporate my own style
in the picture.
This image was hard to
create because I didn't have a round plate for the bottom coffee beans. Also,
the color of my coffee beans was darker and they were very oily. I relied a lot
on Photoshop for this image to create something that looked more similar. I
blurred the bottom coffee beans to try to create the same effect of depth.
Then, I painted the white line that is supposed to be the plate in the original
image. Finally, I added the color of the background. Even though the quality is
not as good as Kaldeway's, I was proud to have used knowledge of Photoshop I
acquired in class to create something that resembles Kaldeway's photograph.
Artist Statement
I really enjoyed taking these pictures. At the beginning, I had trouble choosing which image I wanted to recreate because he has many amazing photographs. I hope that my three photos depict the simpleness of daily life. The first photo (Soapy) represents all the struggles of life and how we need to rise above them. Lamp Cream represents the fun of life. I really like how the two elements, the cone and the bulb, are used to create a sense of surrealism to the picture. The third photo (Bright Bean) represents the energy of life. Each coffee bean depicts the little moments in life that give us the energy and strength to keep going.
Ice Cream Cone
More Coffee, Please