Project 5- Lines

For this Projects you will need to post a minimum of 15 Line images so take a lot. As stated the theme is LINES. You will use Abstract or Macro Photography (see below for their definitions).

For this Project you will need to have 
- 5 different Vertical Lines
- 5 different Horizontal Lines and
- 5 different Leading Lines
ALL OF THE IMAGES POSTED IN LIGHTROOM OR PHOTOSHOP for CREDIT. Give aways that you have not edited are: no true white, items not cropped and noise in the background.

Post all images with titles on your new Weebly page Line. Images can be in Color or Black and White.

Just to keep you informed you should know the meaning of line, macro photography and abstract photography. They are all explained below. Surprise me with your images. Make the viewer curious. Don't be obvious.

Macrophotography is producing photographs of small items larger than life size (think microscope). Abstract photography, sometimes called non-objective, experimental, conceptual or concrete photography, is a means of depicting a visual image that does not have an immediate association with the object world and that has been created through the use of photographic equipment, processes or materials.

Abstract Macro.


Vertical Line samples

Horizon Line samples

Leading Line samples


You can NOT use patterns on objects for this Project 5 because it is Project 6.